I have this problem with not thinking brefore I speak...Queen of the Freudian slip.
So, really, it's no suprise that yesterday at work I made quite an ass of myself.....
I work in an office reading Enrollment Agreements to clients that have purchased our products. Anyways, one of our sales guys popped his head into the office and asked me if I was going to do his deal. I was goofing off, so, thinking maybe it was a pending sale that I had forgotten about...and not wanting to get in trouble for not paying attention at work; I jumped up to help him.
"What sale?"
"Mike's. The one he's on right now."
"Oh yea of course!" And I leaned against the door to talk to him....when he said, "It's a humongous one." And I replied, "It better be! I LOVE humongous ones!"
Followed by an extremely akward silence. Broken only when I finally managed, "I didn't mean it that way....um...yea....that was embarassing..."
"Yea it was! Even for me!"
And we stood there akwardly for a minute and he finally walked off...I felt so stupid.
And when Mike brought the sale in, he handed it to me and said, "Here's my fifteen pounder!"
I thought it best not to open my mouth again.