Saturday, December 08, 2007

Winter Wonderland

All this beautiful snow is making me crave hot chocolate and steamy kisses.

Granted, it will turn ugly and brown in the next few days and will be miserably cold, but right now it's so pretty. And catching snowflakes on your tongue, making snow angels, and having snowball wars is what winter is all about. So we might as well make the best of the cold weather. Not to mention it's a great excuse to get close to someone to stay warm. :)

I can't wait to go downtown for ice skating and to see all the lights. And my mission this weekend is to find enough mistletoe to hang up all over my house and the office....

Spread the Christmas cheer :) Go kiss someone...I know I will.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Guess Who's Back...

Me! I'm back and anxious to start blogging again!
I was out of the country for 10 days and have spent this last week recuperating and getting back into the swing of working. So I apologize for my extended leave of absence.

First things first, I was in Internet access there so I was COMPLETELY removed from society for 10 days. It was actually kind of nice. No work, no cell phone ringing off the hook, and lots of daddy daughter time...which was much needed. I intend to give further detail on the trip and some insight into the beautiful culture, but I'm short on time right now. I just needed to post something before I went crazy, and to assure you that I had not given up on Candyland. :)

Keep reading, I promise I'll keep posting. I've missed this. Hope you have too.