Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Newest Addition

I've been meaning to write about the newest addition to my life.

We brought Bailey home on the 21st. She is the most adorable little boxer puppy in the whole world. Brent and I have been thinking of getting a house together, and then we decided that we'd need a puppy to go with that house. But we wanted to get one and have her all trained before we started really looking for a place.
So we started looking for litters of Boxers.
Brent actually found her and we waited two weeks before we could go pick her up. But she was well worth the wait. It was something like love at first second, when I saw her. She's about the size of a football at only six weeks, and she's already adjusting very well for such a young pup.
She keeps her daddy up all night long just like a brand new baby. I sleep right through everything :) Brent seems to think this a little unfair, but I reminded him that one day, a very long time from now, when we have kids; I'll be the one staying up all night...he won't be able to whip out a nipple and let them nurse. So it's only fair that he has to get up with the puppy every two hours so she can go out, and then try to lull her back to sleep when she wants to play for an hour :) Plus, I just don't do cold. And three in the morning in November in Utah, is COLD. And I sleep in a lot less than pajamas, so it would be far too difficult to get dressed at that hour.

It's a good thing he loves me so much :)
But really, Bailey is wonderful...and she's turned us into an adorable little family.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Little Bro

Had to write real quick about my hilariously adorable little brother.

I was getting settled in bed with Brent just a few minutes ago when I remembered that I needed to check the upstairs bathroom for an extra contact case. (I'm not very good at this whole remembering to put them in when I get up, and take them back out, before I pass out, thing) So, in my boy shorts and cami, I raced upstairs to see if we had an extra case.

When I got there, I didn't find a case, but I did find this note taped to the mirror:

In case you can't decipher his horrible handwriting in pink highlighter, it reads:

"Alex, wake me
Jonah up right
now throw some
water on my face
if you have to but
wake me up!!!!"

I giggled and ran back downstairs to grab my phone to capture the hilarity of the moment and post it here. Brent looked at me like I was nutty when I told him, as I was running back out of my room, that I had to go take a picture of the note Jonah left on the mirror for Alex to wake him up in the morning.

I love that kid.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Dear Self

Dear Self,

Once again, I have gotten way too far behind in my blogging. I have been a loser and let you down. Again. But in my defense, I've been a busy loser. Mixing work and school part time with a boyfriend double time, doesn't leave much time for anything else. (Especially when you do all 3 in one day and squeeze in a kick ass football game. GO UTES!) But I do apologize and promise to try and go back and get fully caught up and keep blogging from here on out. I know that sounds like another lame empty promise, but hey, at least I have good intentions Right? Alright, apology in place, I'm going to let you go for now dearest Self.
I'm going to get us Starbucks. We need coffee.
