Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Sour Sixteen

That same malt-ball headed sister has grown into a raving bratty...I mean beauty...and is turning sixteen on Saturday.
My father is from Ecuador, so by tradition, we have a huge Sweet Sixteen party... which closer resembles a wedding reception than anything else.
In Spanish culture, when a girl turns fifteen, she's able to date and has a huge celebration marking her as a woman. My father took great pleasure in altering the age from fifteen to sixteen. No way were his daughters going to date before then. (Although he had no cause to worry about me...I didn't get asked out until a couple months after my eighteenth birthday).
Anyways, back to the point of my story. Malt-ball is turning sixteen on Saturday, so the big bash is scheduled for Friday night. She's sent invitations out to over a hundred people announcing the date of her "Sweet Sixteen". Despite the fact that she is far from the requirements to be labeled as such. I keep telling her it's "Sweet Sixteen and never been kissed". She seems to overlook that slight detail.
I think Sour Sixteen is far more fitting. Wouldn't you agree?

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