I've been meaning to write about my day on Wednesday, but I've been working way too much and am thoroughly exhausted by the time I get home.
My little sister is following my footsteps and is in Drama in High School. (yes, I was a "Drama Nerd") Every year they do a semester of Shakespeare and perform in the High School Shakespeare competition in Cedar City during the Utah Shakespearean Festival. Malt ball wanted me to come with them, but there was no way I could take 3 days off work right now, so I went to Brighton on Wednesday to watch her perform for the school. She did a very good job, by the way. I was very proud of her.
Being back in that building made me realize something....I really don't miss it!! None of it. The cliques, the smell, the lighting, the desks. Not any of it. And I REALLY don't miss all the weird kids and the general behavior of everyone there.
All the girls running up and hugging each other between every single class, "Oh my God I love you! I haven't seen you for like a half an hour!" And the guys poking and pulling hair and calling names....I just wasn't made for High School. That's probably why I never fit in. Never had a set group of friends. In fact, I never had very many "Friends" at all. Sure I had quite a few people that would say "hi" in the hallways, but I only really had 2 very good friends all throughout High School. I was never accepted by the "popular" crowd and didn't fit in with the "Nerds" either. As a result, I wasn't very involved in school at all. I came in the morning, went to my classes, talked to my teachers and went home in the afternoon. Never got asked to any of the dances which, at the time, was devastating. Looking back on it all, I really don't think I missed out on much.
The only thing I ever really became involved with in school was Drama my Sophomore and Junior years, and then Art during my Senior year. The arts were my release. I thought I'd stay in Drama forever....I LOVE to perform. It's my high of choice, being up onstage in front of a huge audience. There's nothing like it in the world. But even in Drama I didn't quite fit in. There's so much well...drama. All the girls were so catty and there was constant competition for the attention of our director. I finally had to give up acting in school because I simply couldn't handle the people anymore. That's when I switched to Art. I discovered the last few Weeks of my Junior year that I have a talent for art. Drawing, painting, all of it. By the time Senior year was halfway through, I had made a habit of skipping out all of my other classes just to stay in the studio all day and paint. That, I suppose, is the only thing I miss. None of the stupid stereotypical High School shit.
This flashback of what life used to be like for me has also made me realize that I'm the happiest I've ever been with myself. Even if I'm not the most popular girl around.
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