Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Writing Check

All my goals for writing in a journal daily, have just been turned into quite a serious contract. My Writing class grade depends on my thoughts put to paper...and in this case, my thoughts put to Internet.
Although I know, from multiple prior experiences, that keeping up on a journal will be quite a challenge for me, I am grateful for Carolee Stout, my writing professor, for making this a mandatory daily duty. I've let far too many days go by, far too many wonderful life experiences go undocumented. It's high time I put my sexy little butt in gear and stick to my goal of recording my life every day. Not only for myself- though I treasure looking back on what I've written in the past, but for generations to come. For my future children and grandchildren. And for anyone else that comes upon these writings.
I want to have an impact on peoples lives. However small or large that impact may be. If I am able to bring laughter, or provoke thought or inspire in any way, even to just one person, then I will have succeeded.
I have been touched by countless writings and my goal, one of my greatest wishes, is to do the same for someone else.

So on this day, January 14th, 2009 I pledge to work valiantly towards this goal. To keep account of my wonderful life. Day by day building my legacy.

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