Wednesday, November 04, 2009


I don't know how I always manage to neglect the things that make me happy. I have been so caught up in the never-ending frenzied world of full time college, that I haven't posted in weeks. I haven't even used the Photoshop program that I was SO EXCITED TO GET from Terri. That's like sacrelig. Seriously.
I'm going through a lot right now. But things will get better, they always do. I'm just once again, going to try and make more of an effort to get my butt on here and do what I love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Candace, you need to do some updating on your blog. OK? hehe. You make me laugh. Make sure, that no matter what you have to do in the day, with college, work or any sort of stressor, remember to do one thing a day that makes you happy. And pray. I love you so much! Who knows when you'll get this, because you never get on your cool little blog. haha. Love you sis!

~Alex :)