Tuesday, December 15, 2009


So, I have OF COURSE been SO busy lately! I'm drowning in papers and facts about the U.S. Government trying to prepare for finals. Whoever invented Finals Week SUCKS! I've barely had time to sleep the past few weeks. So, naturally, I haven't been updating my blog.

I had no idea my little brother read my blog. In fact, it's a little scary that he does...he knows all my deep dark secrets!! But, he's a great kid and I have to admit I was quite flattered when I got the notification of an anonymous comment on my blog, via Email.

"Candace, you need to do some updating on your blog. OK? hehe. You make me laugh. Make sure, that no matter what you have to do in the day, with college, work or any sort of stressor, remember to do one thing a day that makes you happy. And pray. I love you so much! Who knows when you'll get this, because you never get on your cool little blog. haha. Love you sis!

~Alex :)"

Talk about a cool kid, right? Figures that I'd get a reminder not to let stress COMPLETELY TAKE OVER MY LIFE, from my kid brother.
He's right. No matter what's going on, I need to be on here! So once again, I'm going to try and get my sexy ass in gear and blog!

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