Upon hearing my rather embarrassing story of stating quite loudly in a nearby Wallgreens Condom isle, "lets get the MINT TINGLE ones!!!" at the exact moment that Mr. Pharmacist walked out; they thought it would be quite humorous for me to wake up to some on my gorgeous new rental car. Unfortunately it gave my family quite a scare seeing as my little sister had gotten an awful phone call at 2:30 that morning...Sure that there was no possible way the two incidents were merely strange coincidence, my mother called the police. Needles to say, it was in fact, a strange and slightly comical coincidence. However, for future reference, anyone who wants to leave sexy little gifts all over my car; please have the courtesy to refrain from filling them with faux semen...I'm sure they would prove to come much more in handy some day. Not to mention put to far better use than simply sitting there cold and lonely on my car. ;)
1 comment:
at least you're loved enough to have the girls leave you condoms!
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