Monday, September 24, 2007

Anal Ease

One of my favorite subjects to write about is Sex. If you've taken the time to read some of my previous posts, this would undoubtedly be evident.
I went to one of those "Slumber Parties" last Friday and I always have a blast at those. What with assorted dildoes and vibrators in an array of different colors, shapes, and sizes. Not to mention yummy massage oils, nipple gel, and edible panties. Oh and don't forget the many different creams and books on how to increase, enhance, and totally revamp your orgasms. Which, I'll admit, does sound rather intriguing.
The thing that really tickles my fancy however, is the new and improved Anal Ease.

"Anal Ease is a flavored desensitizing gel with Benzocaine. To ease discomfort, apply the cream and allow it to thoroughly absorb into the skin before engaging in anal intercourse. Or, use it to relieve minor aches and scrapes."

OK, first of all, why on earth would I engage in sexual activity that is so uncomfortable I'd have to use a desensitizing cream packed full of Benzocaine? I know there are thousands, probably millions of people out there that frequently do the anal deed; but I sure as hell ain't one of em. I'm sorry, but that is an exit only. If anyone ever tried to stick anything in there, it seriously would grow teeth and bite the offending appendage off. Upon expressing my views to the other party attendants, our lovely distributor reminded me that Anal Ease has many other uses. Why, just the other day she applied it to her newly teething baby's mouth. I don't know about you, but that was definitely a case of TMI for me. Too Much Information. She's got a tube of Anal Ease on hand to ease discomfort in every area of her life. That poor child. Even if I did have a thing for anal sex and carried my trusty tube around with me everywhere I went, (better to be safe than sorry right?) I would never use it in my infants mouth. And even though the cream in question did numb the cut in my mouth almost instantly; I think I'll just stick to Oragel. But that's just me.

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