Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Electrical Testicles

One of the highlights of being Sarah's friend is the connection to her brother Ben. If you keep up on Sarah's blog, there's no reason to say any more. When Sarah set me up on a date with Ben last April (I'm guessing in one of her attempts to avoid the possibility of yet another
bitchy sister-in-law), I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Ben is crazy...and hilarious. And in spite of his fondness for sporting hideous hairstyles, he's not half bad. Yet, no matter how much time I spend with him, he never ceases to surprise me with some new ridiculously stupid behavior.
Sunday night I received the oh-so familiar text from him, "Whats you up to?" I responded with my usual, 'Not much how bout you?'
"Just shocking the shit out of myself with electricity. Now my balls hurt."
'Your balls hurt?'
"yea, when you shock yourself, it really hurts your balls"

Needless to say I was almost speechless. Almost. Aside from telling him to grow a brain and turn off ALL the electricity the next time he's rewiring a switch in his house, all I could do was laugh. Thanks Ben, for that tidbit of information. I'll be sure to keep that in mind.


Sarah Bellum said...

I refuse to comment on a post about Ben's balls. But now that I just did comment to refuse to comment I have to point out what I called him growing up: Benjaminoball-less. I heart irony.

Candace said...

Haha...I love it