Sunday, September 30, 2007

Chocolate Fix

Chocolate, I find, is the most wonderful idea anybody ever had. It comes in many different forms, can be eaten any time of the day, and always puts a smile on my face no matter how pissy of a mood I'm in.

I was flipping through this month's issue of Cosmo, and happened to come across a recipe for brownies. Brownies are a favorite treat in our house, and these ones looked so good I just had to make them. So, I went out and bought all the ingredients; soon realizing that these are possibly the most fattening brownies in the world. But I suppose most good things in life are. Either way, I got everything I needed and went home to start baking. This recipe calls for 14 oz. of dark chocolate which you have to break into small pieces to melt in a bowl with 2 and 1/2 cups of butter. I recruited my sister to help break the chocolate with me, thinking it was the best way to get her to help because she's a chocolate fiend. Bad idea. She kept stealing chunks of chocolate and nibbling on them, strongly resembling a little mouse. Fortunately, her boyfriend came over and she became consumed with him long enough to allow me to carry on with the brownies. Which, turned out to be the most incredible brownies I've ever had. All gooey, chocolatey goodness.

Better than a boyfriend any day.


Sarah Bellum said...

That's weird, I didn't get a brownie delivery. Guess you'll have to make 'em again. Bring treats and come help me clean and organize shoes. Then I won't need a boyfriend.

Candace said...

I'll help organize shoes any day :)

Kim and Adam said...

OK I need to eat these brownies I am so hungry now after reading this..