At the Diaz house we start em' young!
My mom has un-officially adopted Leigh. Ever since she lived with us for a couple months back when she was still working at Acentus, my mom has fallen in love with her. Now, almost 2 years later, she regards Leigh as one of her own daughters.
When Leigh had Robert nearly 6 months ago, my mom fell in love with him too. She's adopted him as her grandson seeing as I refuse to provide her with grandchildren to fawn over for at least another 5 years. And she insists when he starts talking, that he is to call her GiGi. The name she's decided she wants her grandchildren to call her.
Last night Leigh and Robert came over for dinner. It's always a bit of a fight when they come over for who gets to hold the baby. The rest of my family has taken to Robert as well. My mom won the battle this time telling the kids that they needed to sit down and eat their dinner and for Leigh and I to do the same so our food wouldn't get cold. So we sat down at the table while my mom and her boyfriend sat out on our back deck with Robert.
A few minutes later, my mom was hollering for us to come out and take a look at what Robert was doing. We walked out and saw him trying with all his little might to take a sip of her wine.
We just had to take a picture...it was priceless.
We went back inside and started on our dinner again, and 5 minutes later my mom's boyfriend came in.
"You guys have to come see this."

We walked outside to find Robert passed out against my mom's chest clutching the side of her wine glass.
He looked like he'd drank just enough to give him a good nights sleep.
He'll definitely fit in the family just fine.
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