After checking out of the hotel, I drove to Main Street. I was a little apprehensive at first, I never go anywhere completely alone. Hell, I don't even like going to the grocery store by myself. But I was in Park City to spend time with myself, so I paid for 3 hours of parking and set off down the street.
The first place I stopped was a little cafe style restaurant and for the very first time in my life, I sat down to have lunch by myself. It was definitely weird. Sitting at a table outside on Main all alone. But it was nice, and I feel like I've conquered something inside me. Part of my fear of being alone is gone.
When I was finished eating I thanked my Waiter and continued on up the road. I accidentally stumbled into this little candy shop and was more than excited when I discovered that they sold Razzles. I LOVE Razzles. And I can't find them ANYWHERE. So I stocked up.

From finding Razzles, I went to finding my favorite bookstore up there. I should never be allowed into a bookstore period. Let alone by myself. Although if I ever am alone, Barnes & Noble is the first place I head to. But back to the point. I go crazy in bookstores. I love words. So I tend to want to buy everything I see. And I'm a sucker for cards. This particular bookstore has an awesome card selection. So, 40 minutes and 50 dollars later, I walked out of that store with a bag of cards, magnets, a journal, and pineapple chapstick.

I almost started down the street again when I saw some kids walking out of the adjoining chocolate shop with ice cream cones...and I decided I HAD to have one. So I turned around and marched right back and up to the ice cream counter. After much internal debate, I decided on Pink Bubblegum. I hadn't had a pink bubblegum ice cream cone since I was a little girl. So when I ventured out onto the street again, it was with my pink bubblegum cone in hand and a huge grin on my face. The silliness of it all combined with creamy cold bubble gum flavor bursting across my taste buds, put me into the best mood I've been in, in a long time. The brief trip back to childhood innocence was refreshing. And for 10 minutes, I was a little girl again. I was quite a site. Hair in big flowy curls, sexy sunglasses, darling blue and white striped old fashioned tube top with a blue ribbon around my neck. And a big pink bubblegum ice cream cone. I felt like I had just walked out of a 1950's movie.
After finishing my ice cream, I went to a few more shops. Including the Mountain Body Spa for a hand treatment. When I had visited every shop on my mental list, and then some, I headed back to my car just in time for the meter to go out. I had done it. Three hours alone on Main in Park City. And I had genuinely enjoyed myself.
On my way back down to the freeway, these guys in the truck next to me were flirting with me mercilessly. It was flattering, and when we stopped at a light and they rolled their window down, the first thing they asked me was if I was married. I told them no, but I was taken. They told me what a lucky guy my boyfriend was and that I was beautiful. It made me feel great...especially because I'm single.
I'm now sitting on my couch writing before I leave to meet up with all the girls for dinner and Sex and the City. I just got a pedicure, and that coupled with my super cute new skirt, have me feeling hot and ready for a girls night out. It's bound to be packed full of juicy gossip and sex stories...I can't wait!
Today has proven to be one of the best in my life so far. I feel rejuvenated. Like I know myself more. And I can't wait to keep discovering this happiness inside myself.
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