Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The Gardella Vampire Chronicles

I have a confession to make. I'm a bit on the weird side...I love Vampire novels. So when my mom brought home the latest in our favorite series, I devoured it in one day. Yesterday in fact. Yes, while I was neglecting Candyland I was reading a juicy Vampire book. I simply couldn't put it down. If anyone is ever looking for a new series to read, I highly suggest Colleen Gleason's Gardella Vampire Chronicles. They are so good.

Whenever I read, I find myself sympathizing with one of the characters. I think we all do that, but I really feel some strong similarities between Victoria Gardella, AKA new Leader of the Vampire Hunters, and myself. Even though I may not have strong Venator blood running through my veins, I feel very much like Victoria. Sounds cheesy I know, but truly, it isn't.

I especially loved this particular passage. It forcefully reminded me of ,myself. What I crave in a relationship.

"She was a woman....a woman who liked to be touched, who enjoyed being reminded that she was desirable...he made her feel. He'd brought pleasure to a life that had once been so simple, so normal and easy and bland...with his irrepressible charm and unabashed flirtation, Sebastian made her heart beat faster and her body reawaken..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! Thanks so much for blogging about the Gardella Vampire Chronicles.

You made my day! :-)