Monday, September 15, 2008

Fall. My new beginning

So me and my bad habits...I've yet again, neglected my blog. But I can say, in my defense, I have been going through a lot. And I'm happy to say that "a lot" isn't all bad. In fact, none of it is. At the time, I thought my world was crashing down, but you know how they always say, when thinks are hard and you don't understand why, it's because something bigger and better is in the cards for you. Just around the corner. You just can't see it yet. Or something to that effect,that's what they say. Whoever they are.

So,to get you all caught up, I went through a horrible break up that should have happened 9 long months ago. Especially now knowing that Ass Hole was cheating on me. BUT, I am SO much happier now. I never thought I'd ever say that. I'm surprised how fast I've been able to get over that horrific relationship. But I have. And I have my Mountain Man to thank.

He has helped me through everything and been here for me and he's been wonderful. That whole something bigger and better in the cards just around the corner, yeah that's him. I'm just so lucky to have had him so close around the corner. I am seriously the happiest I've ever been. It feels so good to say that and really mean it. I said it for so long hoping that if I said it enough, I might actually believe it and eventually things would get better and I would be happy. But that never happened. And I'm glad it didn't. I do believe everything happens for a reason. I went through an incredible learning experience and now I've been placed into the arms of the most wonderful man I could ever have hoped for. And he adores me just the way I am. We're best friends too which makes everything as perfect as I could wish for right now.

So that's the big update on my life.
I found my new beginning at the most unsuspected time in the most unsuspected way.

I fell out of something terrible, right into the most beautiful relationship full of bright vibrant changing colors.
Every day is new and exciting.
Every kiss still gives me butterflies.
Everything is far more amazing than I could have ever imagined.

For most people, Spring has always been the season of new beginnings and rebirth. But I've never been like most people. It only makes perfect sense for my rebirth to be cradled by falls cool-warm breezes and beautiful changing colors. Golden sunlight kissing my skin in a far gentler way than summer has with me. And when those cruel winter winds set in, I'll be curled up with my everlasting sun. My mountain man. His kisses against my skin will keep me warm all winter long.


Anonymous said...

i for one am so happy to see you blogging again and am excited to know how good you are doing... love you!

Kim and Adam said...

Yeah I am glad you are back! I am glad you are HAPPY!!