I was getting settled in bed with Brent just a few minutes ago when I remembered that I needed to check the upstairs bathroom for an extra contact case. (I'm not very good at this whole remembering to put them in when I get up, and take them back out, before I pass out, thing) So, in my boy shorts and cami, I raced upstairs to see if we had an extra case.
When I got there, I didn't find a case, but I did find this note taped to the mirror:

In case you can't decipher his horrible handwriting in pink highlighter, it reads:
"Alex, wake me
Jonah up right
now throw some
water on my face
if you have to but
wake me up!!!!"
I giggled and ran back downstairs to grab my phone to capture the hilarity of the moment and post it here. Brent looked at me like I was nutty when I told him, as I was running back out of my room, that I had to go take a picture of the note Jonah left on the mirror for Alex to wake him up in the morning.
I love that kid.
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