Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Missing Lisa...

I was just informed that my old boss has been reading my blog.

That ignites 2 feelings in me...
1: Happiness. Yay! One more person who takes the time out of their day to read what I have to say. Love the support.
And 2: Panic. This lady used to be my boss...I'm not nearly as professional in the blogging world as I am in the office world...not to mention, she knows all the guys I've written about on this blog...and was able to decypher all the code names I'd given them.

It's a good thing Lisa is such an awesome person. She's never judged me and was the coolest boss ever. In fact, I miss her. A lot. We all hated seeing her leave when she decided to move back home to Texas, and now the office just isn't quite the same.

I just want to say thank you for everything...especially the follow up here on my blog. I'm glad I made you giggle. :)
Oh, and get your butt back to Utah soon! I miss you and baby Autumn.


Jobi Niu said...

Your blog is so funny! It's so cute! You're so gorgeous! GEEZ :)

Lisa Johnson said...

I'm coming back in January and OF COURSE will stop by the office to see you and Kim and everyone else. You have no idea how much I miss everyone!!! Can't wait to see you! :)

thomas said...

Missing Candace :(