I may just be crazy, but it is my unfortunate belief that the paranormal realm is just beyond my reach. Strange occurrences, (sounds, voices, dreams) just downright creepy feelings, tend to find me. Things that make the hair on the back of your neck stand at attention. I can't say I'm terribly fond of any of it. Sure, psychic moments are cool, and feeling the good presence of loved ones lost is a neat experience. But that feeling that there's someone or something right there with you, watching you, reading your very thoughts and feelings; is not exactly my idea of a "neat experience". Been there. Hate that. Like I said, this sort of thing happens quiet frequently to me. To make matters worse, I work in a building that is over a hundred years old. And I'd be willing to swear on my life that its haunted.
Tonight was a particularly active night for the spirits, ghosts, or whatever you want to refer to them as. My friend and co-worker Crissy and I, were sitting down at our end of the office and kept hearing something rattling through the pipes, and hitting the ceiling at random moments throughout the evening. Things tapping on the air ducts and the distinct sound of footsteps above us....we occupy the top floor of the building. No possible way there was just someone up on the floor above us because such a floor doesn't exist. In fact, if one did, I wouldn't think twice about the footsteps. And tonight was not the first night all of this has happened. Not to mention the countless times I've heard the faint sound of children laughing. This is a common occurrence at the office. And I hate it. And when Crissy and I decided to venture into the hall to check on the last sale, we heard an odd squeaking, slightly screeching sound, that sounded to me, an awful lot like a hundred year old bike being ridden down the other side of the hall. CREEPY.
I don't know about you, but that is grounds for me to believe that the freakin building is haunted. Or maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm extremely "in tune" with the "other side". Those in the world just beyond ours. I think they are right here with us, just in another dimension, un-reachable to most of us. But I'll leave that up for you to decide. Either way it freaks me out.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
Provocative Poetry Peak
I have a great respect for extraordinary writers. Among my favorites is e.e. Cummings. Enticingly honest and sexually refreshing, he definitely took the bore out of the "old days". In tribute to this incredible man, take a moment to read his piece that tops my charts as one of the most creative and provocative poems of our time. Slide into his world for just a moment...and enjoy the ride!
she being Brand
she being Brand
-new;and you
know consequently a
little stiff i was
careful of her and(having
thoroughly oiled the universal
joint tested my gas felt of
her radiator made sure her springs were O.
K.)i went right to it flooded-the-carburetor cranked her
up,slipped the
clutch(and then somehow got into reverse she
kicked what
the hell)next
minute i was back in neutral tried and
again slo-wly;bare,ly nudg. ing(my
lev-er Right-
oh and her gears being in
A 1 shape passed
from low through
second-in-to-high like
greasedlightning)just as we turned the corner of Divinity
avenue i touched the accelerator and gave
her the juice,good
was the first ride and believe i we was
happy to see how nice she acted right up to
the last minute coming back down by the Public
Gardens i slammed on
brakes Bothatonce and
brought allofher tremB
to a:dead.
she being Brand
she being Brand
-new;and you
know consequently a
little stiff i was
careful of her and(having
thoroughly oiled the universal
joint tested my gas felt of
her radiator made sure her springs were O.
K.)i went right to it flooded-the-carburetor cranked her
up,slipped the
clutch(and then somehow got into reverse she
kicked what
the hell)next
minute i was back in neutral tried and
again slo-wly;bare,ly nudg. ing(my
lev-er Right-
oh and her gears being in
A 1 shape passed
from low through
second-in-to-high like
greasedlightning)just as we turned the corner of Divinity
avenue i touched the accelerator and gave
her the juice,good
was the first ride and believe i we was
happy to see how nice she acted right up to
the last minute coming back down by the Public
Gardens i slammed on
brakes Bothatonce and
brought allofher tremB
to a:dead.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Sex in the City
I've been meaning for some time now to write on my experiences downtown at the Salt Lake City Jazz Festival. It's amazing all the cultures it brings together......

I couldn't resist walking up to this man and asking him to stand for a picture. He gladly accepted saying that people take his picture all the time but they never ask and he was glad that I had the courtesy to do so. He also had quite an interesting background...True Utahn to the core. He grew up in Salt Lake, was raised a Mormon, and went to BYU. It also really bothers him when people generalize Utahns as being all the same: boring and un-cultured. Clearly, my new-found friend doesn't by any means, fall into that category.

I couldn't resist walking up to this man and asking him to stand for a picture. He gladly accepted saying that people take his picture all the time but they never ask and he was glad that I had the courtesy to do so. He also had quite an interesting background...True Utahn to the core. He grew up in Salt Lake, was raised a Mormon, and went to BYU. It also really bothers him when people generalize Utahns as being all the same: boring and un-cultured. Clearly, my new-found friend doesn't by any means, fall into that category.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Cut the Pipes!
I find it incredible the screaming capacity of an eight-year-old boy's lungs. My little brother, though eight years old, still resorts to primal instinct and opens his gaping mouth to scream and cry every time he doesn't get exactly what he wants. Too bad we can't all be Harry Potter and use a silencing charm. That would be quite humorous. But seeing as my magic powers are currently out of service, I think I have a permanent headache.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
STS (Small Town Syndrome)
My darling friend, co-worker, and part-time fiance, Leigh Carnes (Cares with an 'N')is from small town Utah. Gunnison to be exact. To my best knowledge, the cow to human ratio is roughly 1000 to 1. Need I say more?
So it's arguable that the following account of events is by no means of any personal fault to Leigh. Growing up in the forgotten desert of Utah with just a single paved road (approximately) I can't imagine they have such advanced technology as parking meters. So when Leigh and I decided to make a quick food run for all of us starving girls at the office, parking meter mishap was all I could expect from a poor little girl suffering from STS (Small Town Syndrome).
Upon pulling into the side street parking stall she hit the curb and accidentally honked her horn. Thus drawing unnecessary attention to us. After digging in her purse for change for the meter, she proceeded to put money into the wrong side of the meter. Paying for the empty parking stall next to us. Then I hear an exasperated sound of frustration as she storms away from the meter exclaiming,
"That stupid meter only gave me 6 minutes! And I wasted 27 cents on it!"
'You put pennies in the parking meter?!'
"yea, why?"
I then took liberty of explaining to her that first of all, you don't put pennies in the parking meter, secondly, it was the wrong side of the meter so she just gave her money to the empty stall next to her car, and anyways, it's after 6 o'clock...So there was no need to even attempt buying time on the meter. Poor Leigh...At least she realized she was driving down the wrong side of the road in enough time to avoid being hit when we were leaving.

So it's arguable that the following account of events is by no means of any personal fault to Leigh. Growing up in the forgotten desert of Utah with just a single paved road (approximately) I can't imagine they have such advanced technology as parking meters. So when Leigh and I decided to make a quick food run for all of us starving girls at the office, parking meter mishap was all I could expect from a poor little girl suffering from STS (Small Town Syndrome).

Upon pulling into the side street parking stall she hit the curb and accidentally honked her horn. Thus drawing unnecessary attention to us. After digging in her purse for change for the meter, she proceeded to put money into the wrong side of the meter. Paying for the empty parking stall next to us. Then I hear an exasperated sound of frustration as she storms away from the meter exclaiming,
"That stupid meter only gave me 6 minutes! And I wasted 27 cents on it!"
'You put pennies in the parking meter?!'
"yea, why?"
I then took liberty of explaining to her that first of all, you don't put pennies in the parking meter, secondly, it was the wrong side of the meter so she just gave her money to the empty stall next to her car, and anyways, it's after 6 o'clock...So there was no need to even attempt buying time on the meter. Poor Leigh...At least she realized she was driving down the wrong side of the road in enough time to avoid being hit when we were leaving.
Mint Tingle? Yes please...
Being 18 years old and living in this crazy world where girls half my age are poppin' out babies, I pride myself on lack of experience...With condoms that is. Not until last week when I woke up to eight lovely gifts arranged beautifully all over my car, had I ever laid eyes on an un-wrapped condom. Yes, thank you office girls for my first time!
Upon hearing my rather embarrassing story of stating quite loudly in a nearby Wallgreens Condom isle, "lets get the MINT TINGLE ones!!!" at the exact moment that Mr. Pharmacist walked out; they thought it would be quite humorous for me to wake up to some on my gorgeous new rental car. Unfortunately it gave my family quite a scare seeing as my little sister had gotten an awful phone call at 2:30 that morning...Sure that there was no possible way the two incidents were merely strange coincidence, my mother called the police. Needles to say, it was in fact, a strange and slightly comical coincidence. However, for future reference, anyone who wants to leave sexy little gifts all over my car; please have the courtesy to refrain from filling them with faux semen...I'm sure they would prove to come much more in handy some day. Not to mention put to far better use than simply sitting there cold and lonely on my car. ;)

Upon hearing my rather embarrassing story of stating quite loudly in a nearby Wallgreens Condom isle, "lets get the MINT TINGLE ones!!!" at the exact moment that Mr. Pharmacist walked out; they thought it would be quite humorous for me to wake up to some on my gorgeous new rental car. Unfortunately it gave my family quite a scare seeing as my little sister had gotten an awful phone call at 2:30 that morning...Sure that there was no possible way the two incidents were merely strange coincidence, my mother called the police. Needles to say, it was in fact, a strange and slightly comical coincidence. However, for future reference, anyone who wants to leave sexy little gifts all over my car; please have the courtesy to refrain from filling them with faux semen...I'm sure they would prove to come much more in handy some day. Not to mention put to far better use than simply sitting there cold and lonely on my car. ;)
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Dax Offender

So I've recently been exposed to vulgarities of epic proportions at work. My fellow co-worker Dax somehow always manages to stick his butt in my face! The first couple of times we (the girls and I) chose to politely overlook it (literally) and snicker mirthlessly until he finally saw fit to stand up, relieving my eyes from the scornful sight. But, seeing as this has become a favorite habit of his, we call him quite frequently on the offending position, each time obstructing my view of the office. Thus earning his fitting nickname from dear Sarahbellum...Dax Offender.
So future co-workers, friends and family--just because ya'll can't tear your eyes from my exquisite bottom, does not by any means, entail (pun intended!) that I'm yearning to get a good face-full of yours!
Remember, I, only kick butt.
Welcome to Candyland, you're in for a sweet, sweet ride!
My name's Candace Diaz. I'm sexy, fun, smart and adventurous...but mostly sexy. I've always loved to write and since found myself led here by my Dear friend and part-time Fiance, Sarah Nielson ;) So welcome to Candyland! Sit back, strap up, and enjoy the ride!
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