I hate cops.
I'm up in Park City for the night...all by myself. My Dad booked me a room at the Marriott so I could spend some time away alone. Just to think about things...what I want in life...all that jazz. So I started my "me" time yesterday.
Last night I went and had my Chakras balanced. Got my energies aligned. I took work off today so I could go get a massage and then and then spend the day doing "Me" stuff until I got up here. I was having a wonderful day until about 30 minutes ago.
I decided it would probably be a good idea for me to get dinner. I hadn't eaten since 12. The hotel restaurant is closed so I decided to order pizza from Davanzas. My absolute FAVORITE pizza place in Utah. I planned to just have it delivered...I was already in my PJ's and didn't really feel like going anywhere. But the delivery boy had just left for the night so I was forced to put my clothes back on and venture out of my room.
I stopped at the 7-11 on the corner and picked up a bunch of junk food...if I'm going to be by myself, I need feel good food. Upon leaving the sev, about a minute after I got onto the road, the motorcycle behind me turned on his lights and pulled me over.
I was really confused. I wasn't speeding, I hadn't cut anyone off, and I had made sure to buckle up. The bastard got off his bike and sauntered over to me.
"Do you know why I'm pulling you over?"
"No, actually I don't."
"You cut me off. Did you even see me?"
"Not until you were right up behind me."
"Well that's how us guys on bikes get killed. People like you that don't look. Do you have your licence?"
I handed him my licence and waited. I can't get another ticket...I'm on probation. I thought he might give me a break, but fifteen minutes later he came walking back to my car with a ticket in his hand.
"I'm giving you a ticket for Failure to yield to a person with right of way."
I closed my eyes...it took all my self control to refrain from using the stream of profanities threatening to burst from my mouth.
"Are you OK?" (shines his light in my face)"you look like you're falling asleep at the wheel."
"No, I'm
fine. I'm just upset because I don't need another ticket."
"What do you mean you don't need
another ticket?"
"I mean my dad's going to kill me."
"Why? Have you had a ticket recently?
"Then why do you not need
another ticket? You say that like you've had one recently."
"No I haven't had one recently."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I'm sure!"
We argued for a few more minutes on whether or not I was
sure that I hadn't had a ticket recently. Like it's any of his fucking business anyway. I have to say, I'm pretty proud of myself for keeping my cool through all of his harassment. I saved "cock-sucking-mother-fuckin-son-of-a-bitch!!!" until I was driving away. Somehow, I think that exchange of words might have landed me in cuffs. He was already treating me like some sort of hard criminal.
Thing that kills me though, is I really, truly, honest to God, did not do anything wrong. He was just a jerk.